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System Designation: EF-456-91
System Nomenclature: Styphus

Population: 6,700,000 human souls; Approximately 1,000,000 human and abhuman souls live within the rest of the system. The people of Styphus are mostly ancestral terrans although the Imperial attempts at governance were forced through necessity to tolerate the presence of several abhuman populations as well as several transient xenos populations.
Notable Mention: LowGees: Abhuman inhabitants living in and around the mining communities of the seventh planet's gas-resource rich rings. HiGees: Abhuman inhabitants that mine valuable minerals from the mountains of the superdense fourth planet. “The Alihnaab”: The system’s population swells by several hundred thousand whenever some connected nomadic groups of xenos arrive in system for a century festival on Mandsibah, the larger of the two lunar bodies orbiting Styphus Primus.

Government: System-wide High Council, two-thirds of whom are hereditary lords and the remainder of whom are guildmasters from the system's important trading and manufacturing guilds. Lord Governor McCray Simon is the public face of the council and commander of the Imperial Planetary Defense Forces.

Defense: The system has approximately 200,000 soldiers under arms at all times, with about one-quarter on duty at any given time. In times of crisis, the Lord Governor has access to approximately another 200,000 well-equipped but poorly trained soldiers by calling up the abhuman militias.

Chapter Designator: II-III/L
Chapter Nomenclature: The Shining Sons
  • Possible Mechanicus Resources: Trujillo Arms. Rowe & Bertram Trading House. Prospectors, Blacksmiths and Smelters guilds.
  • Possible Apothecarium Resource: Station of the Mutants (Styphus Quadrus).
  • Possible Ministorum Areas of Investigation: Theater of the Coffin (Styphus Primus); Battlement of Barriers (Styphus Quadrus); Steeple of the Blade (Styphus Primus); Vault of Riddles (Mandsibah, Styphus Primus lunar body); Spire of the Holy Griffin (Styphus Septus); Catacombs of Storms (Styphus Primus).

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